Immaculate Conception Parish Ministries
Lectors proclaim the Word of God by reading the 1st and 2nd Readings on Sunday along with the Responsorial Psalm. If you are comfortable getting up in front of a crowd and reading, you may have the gifts necessary to be a good Lector for our church. Based on the number of Lectors we have, you may be called upon to read every 3-4 weeks.
Click here for a schedule of Ministry Assignments.
Sacristans make sure everything is ready for the celebration of the Mass and other special liturgical events. They come early and leave late, so it requires a very special commitment to serve in this capacity.
Our Ushers & Greeters play a very important role in making sure visitors initially feel welcome in our community. They are in charge of making sure the offertory is collected and the gifts are brought up to the altar at the appropriate time. And finally, when Mass is over, they pass out bulletins.
Altar Servers assist the Priest in the celebration of the weekend liturgies. General duties include carrying the processional cross, holding the missal for the priest during the prayers, ringing the bells, and setting and clearing the altar.
Eucharistic Ministers (EM) are called to help distribute the Precious Body and Blood of our Lord on weekends at Mass. They may also be called to bring communion to people that are homebound, in the hospital or rest homes. Based on the number of EMs, you may be called upon to serve every 3-4 weeks.
Religious Education instructors spend one hour after Mass on Sundays during the normal school year sharing our faith tradition with the youngest members of our Parish.
Knights of Columbus serve our Parish Community by performing service related tasks. Their primary fundraising activity is hosting dinners for large groups at the St. Mary's Center. They are renowned for their prime rib dinners.
Volunteers of the Funeral Luncheon Ministry provide salads and deserts for the receptions that are held after funerals that are celebrated in our parish. Volunteers are called when we know we have a funeral pending.
If you are interested in serving in any of these ministries, click on their icon and you will be taken to a page with more information.